I could not resist to make one, are super nice and simple to do !!!!
what color will you do yours? and number? :)
as they do?

CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in joined rounds and not a spiral and work in both loops unless otherwise specified.
1. CH x 2 (this does not count as a stitch) DC x 12; join with a slip stitch (12)
2. SL ST around; (12) CH x 1
3. SC around in the back loop only of each DC (technique is similar to this; (12) join then CH x 1
4. SC around (worked through both loops again); (12) join then CH x 1 5 ? 20. repeat round 4 for rounds 5 through 20; (12)
21. SC x 5, INVDEC, SC x 5; (11) join then CH x 1
22. SC x 11; (11) join then CH x 1
23. SC x 5, INVDEC, SC x 4; (10) join then CH x 1
24. SC x 4, INVDEC, SC x 4; (9) join then CH x 1
25. SC x 3, INVDEC, SC x 4; (8) join then CH x 1
26. SC x 3, INVDEC, SC x 3; (7) join then CH x 1
27. SC x 7; (7) join then finish off leaving a long tail for sewing
Reinforce the body with a tube of plastic canvas to keep a well shaped, straight hook that isn?t puffy or bloated. You can weight the bottom so it stands.
Hook Tip
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in joined rounds and not a spiral and work in both loops.
1. SC x 6; (6) join then CH x 1
2. SC x 2, HDC then DC in same stitch from the previous round, DC then HDC in next stitch from the previous round, SC x 2; (8) join then CH x 1
3. SC x 3, HDC then DC in same stitch from the previous round, DC INC, DC INC, DC then HDC in same stitch from the previous round, SC x 3; (12) join then finish off leaving a long tail for sewing.
This should make a lopsided dome. The end that is SCs will be stitched to the neck of the hook and the part that is DCs and HDCs will be pinched together and stitched to create the bird beak type crochet hook shape of the tip. Sew and shape the hook end first, then stitch the SCs of the hook end onto the neck of the hook body.

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I could not resist to make one, are super nice and simple to do !!!! what color will you do yours? and number? :) as they do? CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in ...

Etiquetas: general



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Crochet. De la web.

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