The hobby of crochet is something that (for those who see it from the outside) is associated with the past.
Even though crocheters have reinvented themselves and we use different techniques to those of our grandmothers, we want to pay them a tribute:- Salvadora, Annie and Alejandra are three women who were born early last century and had very different backgrounds BUT they all had the same passion for crochet.
Salvadora era de un pequeño pueblo de Guadalajara, vivió durante muchos años con sus siete hijos en un pinar donde su marido trabajaba de guarda forestal. Las condiciones de vida, por aquel entonces eran duras y cuando enviudó compró un piso en Madrid donde vivió una vida tranquila. Ni que decir tiene que una de sus aficiones era hacer ganchillo. Tengo la suerte de conservar una colcha, realizada por ella. No me puedo ni imaginar la cantidad de horas que empleó realizándola.
Salvadora was born in a small town in the region of Guadalajara (Spain). She lived for many years with her seven children in a Pine forest where her husband worked as a forest ranger. Their living conditions at that time were very hard and when she became a widow she moved to Madrid where she lived a quiet and unassuming life. I don’t need to mention that one of her hobbies was to do crochet. I am fortunate to have retained a bedspread made ??by her. I cannot imagine the number of hours she spent making it.
Annie nació en Oxford, Inglaterra en una familia desahogada. Trabajó en una de las tiendas de la familia y cuando no había clientes a los que atender aprovechaba para hacer labores de ganchillo. De ella tengo la suerte de conservar dos manteles, cuya delicadeza y detallista no dejo de admirar.
Annie was born in Oxford, England from a well off family. She worked in one of the family shops and when there were no customers to attend she crocheted. Once again I am fortunate to have retained some of her work – two tableclothes, in which the delicacy and detail I cannot stop admiring.
Alejandra nació en Galapagar, Madrid. Fue la dulce madre de seis hijos y abuela de diez y ocho nietos a los que adoraba. Amante de su jardín de frutas y flores a las que hablaba y mimaba durante las primeras horas del día, porque las tardes las pasaba haciendo ganchillo. Tranquila, ensimismada con su “labor”. La recuerdo como la mujer más conciliadora y generosa que he conocido.
Alejandra was born in Galapagar, Madrid. She was the sweet mother of six children, a grandmother of ten grandchildren and a great grandmother of two. She loved her garden and flowers, she used to speak and pamper them during the first hours of the day because she spent the afternoons crocheting. She was quiet but focused on her “work”.
Hasta aquí nuestro Homenaje a nuestras antecesoras y a todas aquellas mujeres que han hecho de esta bella técnica su pasión.
This was our tribute to our predecessors and all those women who have made crochet their passion.