We are about 12 street shops of artisans, where you will be able to find crafts from Peru, Argentina, minerals from Brazil, natural products from the Canary Islands and much more.

There will be live music, activities for children, as for instance, make-up and artistic paintings.

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Un any mes estem a Lloret !!! Com cada any fen la fira al passeig marítim de Lloret de Mar, estem situats en un indret tranquil on passejar i gaudir dun moment màgic es possible. Fomentant el turisme ...

Un any mes estem a Lloret !!! Com cada any fen la fira al passeig marítim de Lloret de Mar, estem situats en un indret tranquil on passejar i gaudir dun moment màgic es possible. Fomentant el turisme ...

We are about 12 street shops of artisans, where you will be able to find crafts from Peru, Argentina, minerals from Brazil, natural products from the Canary Islands and much more. There will be live m ...



general uncategorized

The fair will begin the next 22 of June at 17: 00 h, we are a group of artisans with live musicians and activities for children such as make-up and painting. We will be there all summer and look forward to your visit. There you will find crafts made in Catalunya, in Argentina, in Peru, in Canary Islands and minerals from Brazil, all natural and hand made products. And a place where children can ma ...

Agiart dies Album Bee Shabby ...

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Now good news is that all of longchamp le pliage series Bags Online with Cheapest Price. Longchamp Le Pliage Tote Bags collection sale the latest and stylish Longchamp Le Pliage Large Folding Bag that has won millions of fans all over the world.These stylish folding longchamp bags from Longchamp UK Outlet will give you a special experience. The roomy enough space Longchamp Le Pliage Large Tote is ...

ideas diy

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Scrapbooking Verano Álbumes

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¡Hola! Hoy vengo a reciclar, sí, vamos a reciclar una caja para convertirla en un costurero. Para la transformación he usado uno de los diseños de la colección "From the sky" baby girl (Lollipops) y los chipboard "Set de Costura", todo de Kora Projects. Hi! this time Im going to recycle, yes, we are going to recycle a box to make it in a sewing box. For the transformation I h ...

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art journal Design Teams DISEÑADORA ...

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