Hi. I will be publishing my last bunch of Christmas cards, during the next days, to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year, wherever you are. I don´t remember that I made other cards than the Christmas ones lately. It will take me time to come back to normal life! ;)
En estas tres usé la misma estructura. Hice embossing blanco con polvos de Hero Arts, apliqué tinta dorada (de pigmento, mini Gold de Color Box) o plateada (no tengo, así que usé Hero Arts Shadow Ink Soft Granite que consigue un efecto parecido) con una esponjita de dedo y encima coloqué el mensaje acompañado de hilo. Aunque es un hilo fino y se escapa todo el rato, el resultado final merece la pena.
I did the same shape for all of them. I embossed the panels with Hero Arts white embossing powder; then, I added golden ink (mini gold Color Box pigment ink) or silver ink (I don´t have a silver one, so I used Hero Arts Shadow Ink Sof Granite to get a similar effect) with an sponge dauber and I glued the message on top with a bit of thread. Even that the thread is really thin and it takes some time to place it, it is worthy.
En estas dos últimas he usado para el mensaje dos productos de La Pareja Creativa: el set de sellos ‘Frases navideñas’ y el set de troqueles ‘Feliz Navidad’.
In this last two card greetings are made with La Pareja Creativa products: stamp set ‘Frases navideñas’ and die cutting set ‘Feliz Navidad’.
Espero que os hayan gustado.
I hope you like them.