Hi. I joined a card and gifts exchange last weeks. It was my first time and I enjoyed a lot. It was organized by Alicia Mis cosas de scrap at the Facebook group of Spectrum Noir Spain. Due to the price of copics and that I love the alcohol markers results I decided time ago to invest on Spectrum Noir. I have an storage for my collection!
Y qué mejor ejercicio que elaborar una tarjeta para alguien a quien no conoces. Aquí la tenéis, inspirada en el estilo de Francine, con un Papá Noel divertido del set de Jane Doodles.
Do you imagine a better colouring exercise than making a card for an unknown person? Here you have the card, inspired by Francine´s style, with a funny Santa from this Jane Doodles set.
Y un poco de Wink Stella para darle brillo al traje. Espero que os guste.
Then, a bit of Wink Stella for a bright suit. I hope you like it.