Well, the thing is, we made some cute balls for the occassion, wtih the company logo and all the fuss. As I don´t count playing golf among my hobbies, when I was given one ball (now, that IS generous, isn´t it? ;)...) I thougt... so what shall I do with this...?? An I decided to make a key ring, for Jaime (and with him too...) It´s very easy. All we need is:
Golf Ball. By the way, I´ve seen some in beautiful, bright colours...
Thin, manual borer (1 mm)
Small silver eyebolt, long and slightly thicker than the borer
Key ring
We now make a hole in the ball wiht the borer, being carefull to put it more or less in the middle of the drawings of the ball. It´s easy and quick. Be ware not to make a very long hole, just enough to be able to put the eyehole in.. The we enlarge the hole with the eyehole. Once it´s done and secured, we just put the keyring, and it´s done!!
Just in case you want I video, i happened to find this one in youtube. It´s in spanish, but very easy to follow.
Key ring with a golf ball
Don´t tel me it´s not easy, this one!! Kisses, and see you soon!
PS: To read this post in spanish... here you areManualidad rápida y fácil: Llavero con pelota de golf