Los franceses ayudaron a construir la línea de ferrocarril que conecta Addis Abeba con Djibuti a principios del siglo XX.
Posteriormente derivó fonéticamente a farenji, que es como los etíopes denominan a los extranjeros blancos.
Etiopía, para un farenji, huele a leña quemada, gasolina, berbere, tierra, incienso...
Ese olor te inunda nada más aterrizar y te acompaña durante todo el viaje.
The word farenji comes from the word French.
French people helped building the railway that connects Addis Ababa with Djibuti in the beginning of the twentieth century.
Later the word was phonetically changing to farenji, which is the one Ethiopian people call the white men.
For a farenji Ethiopia smells like burnt wood, petrol, berbere, earth, incense... That smell surrounds you just before landing and accompanies you along the travel.