Hasta el gran Abebe Bikila ganó la medalla de oro en la maratón de los Juegos Olímpicos de Roma en 1960 ¡descalzo!
Los etíopes cuidan mucho su imagen y en Addis Abeba no existe rincón en el que no haya un limpiabotas ofreciendo sus servicios.
Little Mita looks with curiosity the feet of the farenjis, always with colorful and with lots of shapes shoes. She prefers to walk barefoot. Maybe because her only chamma are broken and it"s been a long time since they don"t fit her...
Even the great Abebe Bikila won a gold medal in the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome ¡barefoot!
Ethiopian people take care of their physical appearance and there isn"t a single corner in Addis Ababa without a shoe cleaner boy.