El puente tiene una longitud de 516 metros y la anchura es de casi 10 metros, al tiempo que se encuentra apoyado en 16 arcos. Está protegido por 3 torres distribuidas entre sus dos cabeceras, dos de ellas en Malá Strana y la restante en el extremo ubicado en la Ciudad Vieja. La torre localizada en la cabecera de la Ciudad Vieja es considerada por muchos como una de las construcciones más impresionantes de la arquitectura gótica en el mundo. El puente está decorado por 30 estatuas situadas a ambos lados del mismo, la mayor parte de las cuales son de estilo barroco y fueron esculpidas alrededor del 1700.
Astrólogos y numerólogos determinaron que Carlos IV debía asistir al asentamiento de la piedra fundamental a las 5:31 horas del 9 de julio de 1357. Este preciso momento puede ser enunciado como 135797531, y conforma una secuencia capicúa de dígitos impares ascendentes y descendentes, que se encuentra grabada en la torre de la Ciudad Vieja. (Wikipedia)
Karlův most is a historic bridge that crosses the Vltava river in Prague, Czech Republic. Its construction started in 1357 under the auspices of King Charles IV, and finished in the beginning of the 15th century.
The bridge is 621 metres (2,037 ft) long and nearly 10 metres (33 ft) wide, following the example of the Stone Bridge in Regensburg, it was built as a bow bridge with 16 arches shielded by ice guards. It is protected by three bridge towers, two of them on the Lesser Quarter side and the third one on the Old Town side. The Old Town Bridge Tower is often considered to be one of the most astonishing civil gothic-style buildings in the world. The bridge is decorated by a continuous alley of 30 statues and statuaries, most of them baroque-style, originally erected around 1700 but now all replaced by replicas.
Czech legend has it that construction began on Charles Bridge at 5:31am on 9 July 1357 with the first stone being laid by Charles IV himself. This exact time was very important to the Holy Roman Emperor because he was a strong believer of numerology and felt that this specific time, which formed a palindrome (1357 9, 7 5:31), was a numerical bridge, and would imbue Charles Bridge with additional strength (Wikipedia)
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