My latest projects for TodoStencil.
Tenéis los paso a paso en su blog.
You can see the step by step over on their blog
Flex paste and rubber stamps
Cómo conseguir un aspecto oxidado y envejecido con la pintura foam
How to achieve a rusty look with foam paint
Cartel para el aseo con stencils, envejecido con chalk paint y foam paint
Sign for the toilet door aged with stencils, chalk paint and foam paint
Foam paint para dar textura y foil para dar brillo al caballito de mar
Foam paint for texture and foil for shine
Pintando con pompas de jabon y stencils
Painting with soap bubbles and stencils
Textura para esta portada de art journal con sellos y pasta de stencil
Texture for this art journal cover with rubber stamps and stencil paste
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