I still remember when, about a couple of years ago, my son told me that I sew a lot but never for him. Well, thats not completely true, I have done a few things for him but never anything too complicated.
Tan pronto como me lo pidió supe que le haría un quilt que había visto en el libro "Le petit Monde" de Jacqueline Morel. El nombre del quilt elegido fue "Old Sailboats" (viejos barcos) y me encantó tan pronto como lo vi. Para l@s que no conozcáis el libro os recomiendo que le echéis un vistazo. Tiene proyectos superbonitos como este quilt, los quilt "The Goose Game" (El juego de la oca) y "Flowered Square" (Cuadrado floreado) y otros mucho proyectos.***
As soon as he asked me I knew I would make him a quilt I had seen on the book "Le petit Monde" by Jacqueline Morel. The name of the quilt was the "Old Sailboats" and I loved it as soon as I saw it. For those of you who dont know the book I fully recommend you to have a look at it. It has really nice projects as this quilt,"The Goose Game" and the "Flowered Square" quilts (shown on the following pictures) and many more projects.
Para el quilt de mi hijo he tenido que hacer cambios sobre el original para que cubra su cama. El mío tendrá 18 barcos en vez de 9 y muchas más estrellas. Me ha costado un poco empezar desde que me lo pidió pero tengo la esperanza de poder terminarlo para su cumpleaños en octubre. Bueno, ya he hecho 10 barcos en un fin de semana. Ya veremos cuánto tardo con lo que me queda. Espero que os guste tanto como a mí, no siempre es fácil elegir cosas que hacer para chicos (cosas patch), sobretodo cuando estamos hablando de un adolescente de 15 años. ¿Qué os parece? ¿Creéis que le gustará? Esperemos que sí. Prometo enseñároslo cuando lo tenga terminado.***
For my sons quilt I had to redesign the original one so it will fit his bed. Mine will have 18 boats instead of 9 and many more stars. It has taken me quite a long to start it since he asked for it but hopefully it will be finished by his birthday in October. Well, I have already made 10 boats on a weekend. Will see how long it takes me to finish what is left. Hope you all like it as much as I do, it isnt very easy to choose something a boy will like (I mean patchwork like), mainly when hes a 15 years old teenager. What do you think about it? Do you think he will like it? I hope he does. I promise I will show it you as soon as its finished.
¡Feliz San Viernes a tod@s!
Hope you all have a great Friday!!!