
Hi there!
Back today with a new card for Copic Spain and taking the chance to wish you all Merry Christmas! Hope to see you all in the New Year!!
Have a nice holiday xxx

In this card: Teamwork by Aliciabel
All colouring details to be found here (includes many skin combos).
Designed for:


CMS #30 - Julkort
Colouring in Scrapland #6 - Navidad
Come and Get It: Anything Goes Christmas
Love to Scrap #68 - Anything Goes
Inspiration Destination #65
Crafting by Designs- Here Come the Holidays!
Brown Sugar # 177- Anything GoesSimply Papercraft #20
Craft Rocket Challenges #5
Crafty Gals #51
Crafting from the Heart #91
Through the Craftroom Door
Creative Moments #83
Copic Deutschland #28 - Weihnachten
Creative Moments# 305 - Anything Goes
The Glory of Christmas #74: anything goes

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