Today I want to show you the second ATC for the ATC challenge at Copic Spain Facebook Group. This is actually the one for last week and the challenge was to use an Owl.I am going to be doing once a week this year, and I would like to swap them to feed my collection with ATCs from crafters that are not in my collection, so if you would like to swap, just email me! Ill be happy to send them anywhere!
Hope you like it :)
In this ATC: Sistherhood digital stamp by Aurora Wings.
This is actually a freebie that you can get only by joining their FB group.
Image coloured with Copic Markers
(list of colours coming soon)
Wicked Wednesday #192: Make it Sparkle
ATC Around the World #13: Anything goes with Option Owl (2)
Copic Marker Deutschland #29 - Glücksbringer (2)
Love To Scrap CB #70 - Anything Goes! (1)
Artistic Inspirations #148 (1)
Fuente: este post proviene de Aurora, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
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