Esta nueva situación ha generado muchos cambios en nuestras vidas y he tenido que dejar de lado algunas actividades, sobre todo durante este primer trimestre del año. Estar embarazada conlleva tomar decisiones, cambiar tus rutinas, planear el futuro, comprar cosas de bebé sin tener ni idea de qué va a ser realmente útil y qué no, muchas visitas al médico, comprender que hay cosas que no puedes hacer durante una temporada, escuchar los consejos y opiniones, sin pedirlas, maravillosos de la gente que creer saber sobre todo, etc.
A día de hoy, estoy muy cerca de la fecha prevista para el parto y siento un montón de emociones diferentes a la vez, pánico, felicidad, nervios, cansancio, etc. Por tanto, considero que es buen momento para retomar mis entradas en el blog a pesar de que tengo que reducir su frecuencia, pero que van a ser los pequeños espacios para dedicar a mi misma.
Os dejo la imagen que creamos para anunciar a nuestros amigos y familiares que estábamos esperando una bebita para esta mes.
Espero que estéis contentos de volver a leer sobre mi pequeño mundo.
¡Feliz día!
I think most of you, ask for what has happened to Craftedtown? It has been a lot of time since the last post, but don"t worry. My temporally absence from the blog has a really good reason and it"s that I"m pregnant *.*
This new situation has made a huge changes in our lives and I have to set aside some of my activities, specially during this first term of the year. Be pregnant entails take decisions, change your routines, plan a future, buy baby gadgets without any idea what will be useful and what not, a lot of doctor"s visits, come to understand that are things you can"t do during a while, have to hear the advices and opinions, without even asking for them, from people who think they know about everything, etc.
Now, I"m too close to the due date and I feel a lot of different emotions at the same time, panic, happiness, nervous, tiredness, etc. I think it"s a good moment to take up again my posts in the blog although I have to reduce the frequency, but they will give a little space for me.
I let you the image we had created to announce to our friends and families we are expecting a baby girl for this month.
I hope you will be happy to read again about my little world.
Happy day!