The first year of Creativa in Madrid there was a stand where they were teaching how to paint wood dolls, I think they were Gorjuss but I don"t really remember. The course being taught was full so I didn"t get the chance to do it. Pity!!! Ever since then, I have always had it in mind as something I wanted to do at some point. One of my work friends, Cristina, paints really nice doll brooches so I thought about asking her to give me some lessons, so when she asked me if I would give her patchwork lessons and how much I would charge her for them, I told her that I would sure teach her in exchange of her painting lessons so I would learn how to paint dolls, buttons or whatever that can be hand painted.
Hoy os muestro las primeras tres Gorjuss que he pintado (¡soy súper fan de las Gorjuss!), las dos más pequeñas son broches y la otra la he usado para decorar un marco con la palabra LOVE que ya tenía. He tenido un poco de ayuda de Cristina, aunque he hecho la mayoría, me ha ayudado con los ojos, colorete y pestañas. Creo que a las pequeñas no les voy a hacer nada más, pero puede que haga algunos cambios a la grande. He pensado en hacerle un pañuelo para el cuello (en tela) y un par de lazos para las coletitas. ¿Qué os parece? ¿Debería dejarla como está o añadir algunos extras? ¿Alguna otra cosa que añadiríais? Otra duda que tengo es si dejarla en el marco LOVE o si ponerla en un marco y colgarla en la pared, ¿qué haríais vosotras?***
Today I"m showing you my first three painted Gorjuss (I"m a great Gorjuss fan!!), the two little ones are brooches and the other one I have used it to decorate a LOVE frame I already had. I must admit I had some help from Cristina, even if I did most of it, she helped me painting the eyes, blush and eyelashes. I don"t think I"m gonna do any changes to the little ones, but I might do some to the big one. I have thought about making a scarf (a fabric one) for her neck and a couple of bows for her ponytails. What do you think?? Should I leave it like this or add some extras?? Anything else you would add?? Another thing I"m doubting about is that I"m not sure about leaving it as part of the LOVE frame or if I should put it in a frame and hang it on the wall, what would you do?¡Feliz San Viernes!
Hope you have a great Friday!!!