I think it was Monday last week when I found out about Lynettes Mystery Button Club, Andersons Farm. As soon as I saw the picture below, with rooster in it, I thought of my friend MJ. She loves Lynettes designs but most of all she loves hens and roosters, and almost all farm animals. A couple of days later I emailed Lynette and on Monday this week I sent her the forms of my friends MJ and Rocío, together with mine, to join the Mystery. So now the three of us are waiting for the shipment, eager to start stitching.
¿No os encanta? En la foto no se ve mucho, pero creo que el resultado final será fabuloso. Bueno, ¿alguien se anima a hacerlo? Si os animáis, haced clic en la foto de abajo, es un enlace a la página de Lynette donde lo explica todo.***
Dont you love it? Not much its shown but I think the final result will be fab. Well, anyone joining? If you want to do so, click in the picture below, its a link to Lynette page where you will find all explained.
¡Feliz San Viernes!
Hope you all have a great Friday!!