Well, Xmas is gone and Ive had enough time to arrange the house after the holidays, and rest a little bit. So following my New Years proposals here I am with a new post. This time I would like to share with all of you the Bobo I made following the idea of Marta Recio, my friends niece. She saw a similar one on the web and asked her aunty, my friend Mª José, to make a similar one for her. She gave her all the instructions of how she wanted the Bobo: size, color, knitting points, closing brooch. Well, every single detail to get what she has in mind.
Aún recuerdo cuando Mª José me contó cómo sus compañeras de clase de patchwork se volvieron completamente locas por hacerse uno, o quizá debería decir uno de cada color. No me extraña que lo adoren. Creo que es maravilloso y muy fácil de hacer. ¿No os encanta su simplicidad? Como dicen "menos es más".***
I still remember Mª José telling me how all her classmates from patchwork became completely nuts about making one, or should I say one of each color, for themselves. No wonder they love it. I think its really gorgeous, and very easy to make. Dont you love its simplicity?? As they say "less is more".
¡Feliz fin de semana!
Hope you all have a great week-end!!!