Mum Loves Daisies

Hi there!
It is challenge time at 613 Avenue Create. It is challenge #148 and our theme is always Anything Goes. This week I made a card for a mummy with two children. I love this image from A Day for Daisies. I also make a step by step colouring tutorial on how I coloured their skin.
Hope you like it =)

In this card: My Mom loves Daisies by A Day for Daisies. Patterned papers by DCWV.
Some months ago, someone in the A Day for Daisies FB group asked me to make a skin colouring tutorial.
I didnt had a chance to do this before, but I hope someone finds this useful.

For colouring this image, I started using E000 to map the areas where I want my shadows to be.

Then, I used E11 to colour the same areas

After I added E04 in the areas where I wanted shadows to be deeper.

I started blending the previous colours with E21.

Next, I coloured the rest of the image with E00 except the areas that I want to be lighter.
You can also start with this step, and then start adding the shades.

Last thing I finish colouring all my skin with E000.

And you can repeat all the process if you want the colours to be more intense.

In this image I added E02 for the blush.
I hope you like this and find it useful. Have a nice weekend.

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