Has never happen to you that you see an idea for a project, and immediately think it"s super easy and that you can do it well in less than 5 min ... this is what happened to me with this tiny little purse, I saw it on pitrerest and I started to do it very confident ... it"s one of those moments of expectation vs. reality hahaha ... Actually, it did not turn out sooo bad, but my expectation was that at the end the candy wrapper was going to end up straight and sooth….. it was not .... but … well ... you live and learn .. . I"m going to keep trying to see if it improves .... jajajajaja
Monedero hecho con envoltorio de caramelo / candy wrapper pouch
Has never happen to you that you see an idea for a project, and immediately think it"s super easy and that you can do it well in less than 5 min ... this is what happened to me with this tiny little purse, I saw it on pitrerest and I started to do it very confident ... it"s one of those moments of expectation vs. reality hahaha ... Actually, it did not turn out sooo bad, but my expectation was that at the end the candy wrapper was going to end up straight and sooth….. it was not .... but … well ... you live and learn .. . I"m going to keep trying to see if it improves .... jajajajaja

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Y estas son sus últimas ideas publicadas:
Hola a todos, ya tenia un par de semanas que no compartía ningún vídeo zentangle, y es que con las fiestas y decembrinas todo se atrasa un poco, espero que la estén pasando muy bien. Por mi parte no ...
Zentangle art paso a paso, hoy les presento éste lindo diseño lleno de lineas rectas y curvas, un diseño que le va a dar a tus dibujos mucho interés visual, el dibujo es super sencillo pero sin emb ...
Zentangle art paso a paso diseño #20, en esta oportunidad les traigo un diseño no propio ni típico del estilo Zentangle pero en realidad esta muy lindo, le dará a tus dibujo un toque diferente y lo p ...
Zentangle art paso a paso diseño # 19, en esta oportunidad les traigo un diseño que si bien no es uno de los mas fáciles, ciertamente es uno de los mas interesante, casi se podría llamar de ilusión óp ...