Mama Snuggle

Hi there!

It"s challenge day at 613 Avenue Create. This is challenge #114 and the theme as always is Anything Goes with the optional twist use Aquamarine colour in your project.

I made a card for a friend of mine that has just had a baby. I love this sweet image, Mama Snuggle by A Day for Daisies.

I hope you like it =)

In this card: Paterned Papers from MME, white and craft card, fabric flower, button, sting, liquid pearls, flat back pearl and sequins.

Image coloured with Copic markers:

Mother skin: Skin: E000, E00, E04, E11, E21, E02 (blush)

Baby skin: E000, E00, E02

Hair: E50, E53, E55, E57

Many thanks to our generous sponsor:


Come and join the fun!



Crafty Catz #269: Song Title to Match Your Image (Brahm"s Lullaby)

The Ribbon Girl

Papertake Weekly: Anything Goes (2)

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Inspiration Destination #23

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Crafting from the Heart #49

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ArtbyMiRan #27

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