Entre los modelos que he elegido están las típicas bolsas de ir al mercado que nunca pasan de moda y que ahora están más de actualidad que nunca, pero también he incluido una especie de bolso cesta que me ha encantado por su colorido.
La verdad es que cualquiera de ellos me parece el proyecto perfecto para hacer en verano y, si os apetece hacer vuestro propio bolso de ganchillo, no descartéis estos modelos porque la mayoría de ellos son de patrones gratuitos.
P.D: Mi bolso favorito del verano pasado
If you follow my blog you may have noticed that lately I am a little bit "obsessed" with crochet bags (first it was eccomins bag and later the famous "Macaron Bag") so I thought it was a good a idea to make a selection of five crochet bags to make in summer.
Among the models I have chosen we can find the typical market bags which are never out of fashion and that are now more than ever a trend, but I have also included a sort of basket bag which I loved for it colours.
The truth is that I find any of them the perfect project to make during the summer and, if you want to make your own crochet bag, dont dismiss these models because most of them are free patterns.
P.S: My favorite bag from last summer
via: Ravelry
via: Quince and Co.
via: Tales from a Happy House
via: Two of Wands
via: Purl Soho