Happy Birthday to You

Hi there!

It is challenge day at 613 Avenue Create. This is challenge #130 with the theme Anything Goes and the optional twist use Pearls and Roses. Today I am showcasing the digital paper collection Birds & Blooms from our generous sponsor Crafty Secrets.

My mum"s birthday was a few days ago and I thought that this beautiful papers, plus pearls and roses, were the perfect match for her birthday card and present packaging. 

This is what I came up with. Hope you like it =)

In this card: Birds and Blooms digital papers by Crafty Secrets. Stencils, embossing paste, distress inks, paper and ribbon flowers, lace, ric-rac ribbon, flat back pearls, pearl strands, resin picture fame, izink pigments, wooden shapes, doily, string.

Come and join the fun:



Tuesday Throwdown: Stencils

Live and Love Crafts: In the Garden

Crafty Ribbons: Anything Goes

Open-minded Crafting Fun #39: Vintage

Through the Craft Room Door
Inspiration Destination #39
Lil Patch of Crafty Friends
Sister Act CC #112

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