Lo peor es que al retomarlo me he dado cuenta de que no me quedaba tanto para terminarlo, sólo repetir un par de veces el diagrama y luego las mangas, pero también es buena noticia porque eso significa que me llevará menos tiempo de lo que pensaba.
¿Alguien más tiene proyectos pendientes desde hace tiempo?
Definitely this year is being the moment to rescue abandoned projects and, in addition to my grannies blanket, I am also committed to finishing "Beatnik" sweater which I started a few years ago.
The worst thing is that after coming back to it I have realised that there was not so much left to finish it, just repeating the diagram a couple of times and then the sleeves, but it is also good news because that means it will take me less time than I expected.
Anyone else has pending projects since a long time ago?