At todays post I would like to share with all of you my love for tea and the UK. On my last visit to York, one of my favorite cities (I fully recommend you to visit it if you still havent done so), I bought a book titled Stitch at Home by Mandy Shaw which was an incredible find.
Me encantan todos los proyectos que Mandy comparte con nosotr@s a través de su libro, especialmente este cubretetera. ¿No os parece realmente mono? Bueno, el mío fue amor a primera vista y en cuanto he sacado tiempo me he hecho uno para lucir en mis meriendas de amigas. Si os animáis a hacer una primero haceros una plantilla para comprobar que el tamaño es el correcto para vuestra tetera; yo tuve que cambiar la plantilla porque no encajaba para la mía.***
I love all the projects which Mandy shares with us through her book, especially this tea cosy. Dont you think its really cute? Well, mine was love at first sight so Ive finally found the time to make one to show off at my tea parties. If you decide to make it first make a template to check that its the right size for your teapot. I had to change the template because it didnt fit mine.
¡Feliz San Viernes!
Hope you all have a great Friday!!!