#Christmas Ornaments/Pop Tab Christmas Trees #Arbol de Navidad

Another recycling project for Christmas season. This is a Christmas tree made with one aluminum pop tab. It’s very easy to make and you have plenty of time to make several pieces to decorate your Christmas tree.
Otro proyecto de reciclaje para la temporada navideña. Es un árbol de Navidad hecho con una anilla de aluminio. Muy fácil de hacer y además tienen el suficiente tiempo para hacer varias piezas y decorar su arbolito de Navidad.
Video en español:

English Written and Photo Instructions
1 aluminum pop tab (tuna containers)
Nylon thread #2 green and brown
Crochet hook: 10/1.30 mm
Scissors and lighter
Beads (optional)
Stitches Used:
CH = Chain Stitch
SL ST = Slip Stitch
SC = Single Crochet
HDC = Half Double Crochet
TC = Triple Crochet
1. Add tape to cover sharp edges.  This will avoid our cord getting stuck
2. Cut off excess tape
3. We will cover the whole tab with SC
4. SL ST to close the round
5. CH 3
6. Skip about 3 stitches and do SL ST
7. CH 3, skip about 3 stitches, SL ST, CH 4, SL ST
8. CH 3, skip about 3 stitches, SL ST
9. CH 3, skip about 3 stitches, SL ST (we are at the middle of the pop tab)
10. CH 4, skip about 3 stitches, SL ST
11. CH 5, skip about 4 stitches, SL ST
12. Skip 2 stitches, SC until the other end of the pop tab has been reached
13. Skip 2 stitches, SL ST.  At this point one side of the pop tab has 4 loops.  The other side has to have 4 loops as well, and 1 in the middle
14. CH 5, skip about 4 stitches, SL ST
15. CH 4, skip about 3 stitches, SL ST to close round
16. 2nd Round: SC 3 in the first loop
17. SL ST
18. SC 3 in the next loop
19. SL ST
20. TC 5 in the top loop
21. SL ST
22. SC 3 in the next loop, SL ST and another SC 3 in the next loop, SL ST
23. HDC 4 in the loop before the last one, SL ST
24. Last loop of that side: TC 6
25. Skip 2 stitches, SC until the other side has been reached
26. Skip 2 stitches, TC 6 in the bottom loop of the other side, SL ST, HDC 4 in the next loop, SL ST to close round.  Cut thread, hide excess and burn ends.
27. To do the tree trunk, switch to brown color, SC in the middle of the tree.  About 5 rounds of SC to complete the tree trunk.
Tadaaa! You can decorate your tree with fabric from clothes no longer in use cut in tiny circles.  Let’s go green this Christmas!

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