Cuando se te cae un diente, si lo dejas debajo de la almohada, a la mañana siguiente habrá desaparecido y en su lugar habrá una moneda. En esta historia no se ponen de acuerdo. Algunos hablan de un ratón o otros de un hada...
Lo que más gracia le ha hecho ha sido la celebración del Carnaval. En estos días la gente se disfraza de lo que más le gustaría ser.
Mita"s new friends told her some of their countries" customs. She was a little scared when they told her that if you are a good girl for a whole year and you write a letter, a big fat man comes into your house! He won"t rob you, instead he will give you the present you asked for.
When one of your baby teeth falls down, if you leave it under your pillow, next morning in will disappear and in its place will be a coin. People don"t agree with this story. Some say it"s a mouse who takes the tooth, and some say it"s a fairy.
She found really funny the Carnival celebration. That days people put on fancy dresses and pretend to be other people.