En las últimas semanas he estado ocupada con varias cosas pero sólo he podido enseñaros el regalo de bienvenida que hice para el pequeño Noah y el último proyecto que he empezado y que todavía siguen mis agujas...
Aparte de eso sólo he añadido una original funda de libros a la larga lista de cosas que me gustan.
Espero que el mes de agosto no se me pase tan rápido y me cunda un poquito más...
Last month I told you that June had flown for me but July... I havent almost seen it!
During the last weeks Ive been busy with several things but Ive only been able to show you the welcome gift I made for little Noah and the last project I have started and which is still on my needles...
Apart from that I have only added an original book cover to the long list of the things I like.
I hope that the month of august wont pass so quickly and that I can make the most of it...