Winter ATC

Hi there and happy New Year to everybody!!
Today I want to show you an ATC than Ive made for a new challenge that we have at the Copic Spain Facebook Group, about making and ATC a week. Im not sure if I will complete it, but I enjoy making them so Im going to try.
This image has been in my to do list for some months now, I wanted to make a series of ATC with colours of the four seasons, but at the end I figured out that I better get started with this and hopefully will eventually get to do the others.
Hope you like it =)

In this ATC image by Sara Burrier, from Crafts and Me.
Image coloured with Copic Markers.
Skin: E000, E00, E04, E11, E21, E02 (blush and lips)
Hair: BV20, BV23, BV25
Clovers: G21, G94, G99
Leaves: BG90, BG93, BG96
Wings: B00, B0000
Clothes: B91, B95, B97
Background: B000, B21, B23
Crafts and Me - Anything Goes
Copic Marker Deutschland #29 - Glücksbringer
Come and Get It - SOMETHING NEW (new markers - hair combo)
Inspiration Destination #67
Crafting by Design - Juanuary Anything Goes
All Sorts w344 - Whats New? (new markers)
Crafty Gals #53 ~ Anything Goes
Through the Craft Room Door
Crafting from the Heart #93
Creative Moments #84
Creative Card Crew #103 - Anything Goes
ATCs around the World #13 - Anything Goes
Pile it on #98 - Winter
Lemon Shortbread #6 - Anything goes
Star Stampz: Winter Wonderland

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