We love to give a second life to objects, rather than throwing them in separate buckets, better to reuse or upcycle them.
We went for holidays to Catalonia, in the restaurants and bars we had Coca Cola to drink and it was great to have a special edition of cans promoting famous fetivities like Castillers or San Juan, we enjoyed the time and the festivities and we made our special “souvenirs” with the collection of these celebrations.
Estuvimos en Cataluña de vacaciones, en los restaurantes y bares tomamos Coca Cola. Fue genial que nos sacaran botes de este refresco de una edición especial promocionando las fiestas locales. Disfrutamos de Castillers y de la Noche de San Juan. Nos hicimos nuestros propios “souvenirs” con las latas.
We will create new objects. Diy. Do you have any great idea? You can share it with us.
Crearemos nuevos objetos, realizados por nosotros mismos. ¿Tienes alguna idea fresca?¿Te apetece compartirla?
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