Transferring and Colouring Digital Stamps onto Fabric - Tutorial

Hi there!

Today I come with a tutorial on how to transfer digital stamps onto fabric for then colouring with Copic markers. It"s a very effective technique. It"s easy, looks nice and I love it!

Hope you like it and try it yourself.

This is the picture of my finished project. 

In it I used: a plain sweat top, Steampunk Girl by Alicabel, 

a sheet of transfer paper for dark clothes and my Copic markers.

First I printed the image at the desired size on the transfer paper.

Then I fussy cut the image.

Then I removed the backing paper (very important!)...

...and placed the image centred on the top. 

The next step was to heat transfer the image onto the fabric with my iron.

The image needs to be covered with backing paper. 

I recommend you to carefully read the instructions of your specific transfer paper.

For mine, it was recommended to use the cotton settings with no steam and apply heat for about 30 seconds, but with continuous movement of the iron to not burn the spot =P

Now, my image is transferred and it"s time to start colouring.

Colouring on the fabric is not like colouring on paper. 

I guess I could say that the lighter colours wash the darker ones.

However, blending is quite good and it does not take to long to get used to the differences.

Maybe a good trick would be to apply always a coat of the lighter shade 

before adding the darker ones.

Once the image is completely coloured you need to repeat the ironing process 

to make sure the colour gets fixed onto the transfer paper.

And this is my image completely coloured.

Colouring details:

Skin: E000, E00, E11, E13, E21, R81 (blush)

Hair: E31, E35, E37

Skirt: E40, E41, E42, E43

Shirt and Hat: RV10, R81, R83

Apron: R81, R83, R85

White collar and gloves:W1, W3

Corset: E35, E47

Designed for:

Challeges I am entering:

Tuesday Throwdown #246 - Anything Goes (1)

Decorate To Celebrate #101: Anything Goes (1)

The Corrosive Challenge #225: Anything Goes (2)

Open-minded Crafting Fun #37: Inspired by a song (3) (oh Susana)

Craft your Passions #263 (2)

Crafting from the Heart #61 (2)

Inspiration Destination #35

Creative Fingers #81 (3)

Dream Valley #107: Anything Goes (2)

The Paper Shelter #205: Flower Power

Crafty Girlz (2)

Addicted to Stamps and More #146: Anything Goes (1)
Art by Mi Ran #33

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