Tote bags para todas

¡Pues sí, el proyecto que tenía entre manos era nuestra boda! Después de unas últimas semanas un poco caóticas, por fin he tenido tiempo de dejar unos posts preparados mientras estoy de viaje de novios :-)

Como no podía ser menos, mi pareja y yo nos hemos dedicado estos últimos meses a preparar un montón de ideas que teníamos en mente para el gran día. Hemos necesitado muchas horas para dedicarnos plenamente a todo lo que teníamos en mente y ha supuesto un esfuerzo muy grande, muchos madrugones y trabajos manuales a horas intempestivas...pero estamos mucho más que satisfechos!!

Hoy quería empezar por uno de los proyectos que nos ha hecho más ilusión: estos fantásticos tote bags en los que hemos estampado el logo de nuestra boda, diseñado por Gaetan.

Hacer la plantilla con el diseño no fue nada facil, pero con un poco de paciencia y mucho pulso, conseguimos plasmarlo en una cartulina que fuera lo suficientemente dura como para no estropear la estampación, pero lo suficientemente blanda para ser cortada con tijeras y cutter. Una vez pasada esa fase, la estampación con spray fue de lo más facil. 3 botes fueron necesarios para estampar 70 tote bags!

Y 3 horas de secado en la terraza de mi madre, en pleno mes de febrero y con un fresquito importante. Por suerte no pillamos la gripe ;-)

Espero que os guste el resultado tanto como a nosotros. Fue un trabajo muy intenso pero altamente satisfactorio!

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Después de varios días llega el momento de retomar los posts colaborativos! Como hoy es un día lluvioso aprovecho para escribir este post colaborativo sobre todas aquellas manualidades realizadas con ...

Ya me encuentro haciendo eso! Estoy sacando las alfombras, mantas, abrigos y todo lo que se me ocurre que pueda necesitar. Os dejo con un recopilatorio de cositas lindas para el invierno hechas a mano ...



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Now good news is that all of longchamp le pliage series Bags Online with Cheapest Price. Longchamp Le Pliage Tote Bags collection sale the latest and stylish Longchamp Le Pliage Large Folding Bag that has won millions of fans all over the world.These stylish folding longchamp bags from Longchamp UK Outlet will give you a special experience. The roomy enough space Longchamp Le Pliage Large ...

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Now good news is that all of longchamp le pliage series Bags Online with Cheapest Price. Longchamp Le Pliage Tote Bags collection sale the latest and stylish Longchamp Le Pliage Large Folding Bag that has won millions of fans all over the world.These stylish folding longchamp bags from Longchamp UK Outlet will give you a special experience. The roomy enough space Longchamp Le Pliage Large ...

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Now good news is that all of longchamp le pliage series Bags Online with Cheapest Price. Longchamp Le Pliage Tote Bags collection sale the latest and stylish Longchamp Le Pliage Large Folding Bag that has won millions of fans all over the world.These stylish folding longchamp bags from Longchamp UK Outlet will give you a special experience. The roomy enough space Longchamp Le Pliage Large ...

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Now good news is that all of longchamp le pliage series Bags Online with Cheapest Price. Longchamp Le Pliage Tote Bags collection sale the latest and stylish Longchamp Le Pliage Large Folding Bag that has won millions of fans all over the world.These stylish folding longchamp bags from Longchamp UK Outlet will give you a special experience. The roomy enough space Longchamp Le Pliage Large ...

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Now good news is that all of longchamp le pliage series Bags Online with Cheapest Price. Longchamp Le Pliage Tote Bags collection sale the latest and stylish Longchamp Le Pliage Large Folding Bag that has won millions of fans all over the world.These stylish folding longchamp bags from Longchamp UK Outlet will give you a special experience. The roomy enough space Longchamp Le Pliage Large ...

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Now good news is that all of longchamp le pliage series Bags Online with Cheapest Price. Longchamp Le Pliage Tote Bags collection sale the latest and stylish Longchamp Le Pliage Large Folding Bag that has won millions of fans all over the world.These stylish folding longchamp bags from Longchamp UK Outlet will give you a special experience. The roomy enough space Longchamp Le Pliage Large ...

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Now good news is that all of longchamp le pliage series Bags Online with Cheapest Price. Longchamp Le Pliage Tote Bags collection sale the latest and stylish Longchamp Le Pliage Large Folding Bag that has won millions of fans all over the world.These stylish folding longchamp bags from Longchamp UK Outlet will give you a special experience. The roomy enough space Longchamp Le Pliage Large ...

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Now good news is that all of longchamp le pliage series Bags Online with Cheapest Price. Longchamp Le Pliage Tote Bags collection sale the latest and stylish Longchamp Le Pliage Large Folding Bag that has won millions of fans all over the world.These stylish folding longchamp bags from Longchamp UK Outlet will give you a special experience. The roomy enough space Longchamp Le Pliage Large ...

ideas diy

Now good news is that all of longchamp le pliage series Bags Online with Cheapest Price. Longchamp Le Pliage Tote Bags collection sale the latest and stylish Longchamp Le Pliage Large Folding Bag that has won millions of fans all over the world.These stylish folding longchamp bags from Longchamp UK Outlet will give you a special experience. The roomy enough space Longchamp Le Pliage Large ...

ideas diy

Now good news is that all of longchamp le pliage series Bags Online with Cheapest Price. Longchamp Le Pliage Tote Bags collection sale the latest and stylish Longchamp Le Pliage Large Folding Bag that has won millions of fans all over the world.These stylish folding longchamp bags from Longchamp UK Outlet will give you a special experience. The roomy enough space Longchamp Le Pliage Large ...