It is challenge time at 613 Avenue Create. This is challenge #125 and the them is Anything Goes with the optional twist Create your own challenge.
This is the chart that Kathi created for us to play with. And I have to say that I love this type of challenge.
I used: Patterned papers, die cuts, embossing, stitching and hemp
(I used more things, but those are the ones that I pointed out)
I hope you like what I made this time =)
Come and join the fun
Petal Lu: Anything Goes (2)
Timbroscrapmania: Fiori (3)
Love to Scrap. Anything Goes (3)
Pink Gem #145: Flowers
Open-minded Crafting Fun #37: Inspired by a song (Vamos a la playa)
Craft your Passions #262 (3)
Crafting from the Heart #60 (3)
Inspiration Destination #34
Creative Fingers #81 (3)
Not Just Cards #19 (3)
Creative Inspirations #314: Anything Goes (2)
Crafty Catz #280: Kids
Crafts and Me #156: Circles
Come and Get it: Tic Tac Toe (Gems/2 or more layers/Flowers)
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