Pop Tab Vest

Hello everyone or at least those of you that read my blogs. As I mentioned in my last entry, I’ve been pretty active on Facebook live transmissions. I already have a lot to edit to upload to my YouTube channel but yes, it is time consuming which takes away the little time left to work on the projects that come to my mind and I sure don’t want that.

I’ve been trying to get to pull my followers to my Facebook page so that you don’t miss the new projects I’m working on. Speaking of, this is a vest I recently completed and finally one that I had in mind of a really long time. My son helped me with some macrame knots since he is into macrame. I should say the result pleases me a lot, not so much the yarn because without noticing I used 2 different hues of the same color. Oh well! I had to redo the straps because the first ones I added were too big.

Here are the pictures. Please leave your comments, follow me on my Facebook page and yes, subscribe to my channel. Thanks for your visit.

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