Panda Plush | PDF Pattern and Tutorials

Felt Panda Plush

I love pandas. Who doesnt? I mean, pandas are ridiculously adorable. I often imagine myself squeezing a giant panda bear. Since I cant do so, I made this felt panda plush instead! It is not the same as the real panda, but at least it kinda gives me the same pleasure :D

This panda plush is available in my Etsy shop (link below) in PDF pattern and tutorials. It is meant as a pocket toy, but you can also use it as an ornament in your baby crib mobile. I bet your child will love to see a cutie panda hanging on his/her bed.
Felt Panda Plush

After making this felt panda, I cant wait to watch Kungfu Panda 3 on the cinema (Im a huge fan of Po). They have it quite later here in Spain, on March 11. I cant believe it! I mean, even in Indonesia they have it on the same premier day as in the US. In Spain they have to dub it first into Spanish (da!) and that makes it late.

Anyway, if you have watched Kungfu Panda 3, my panda plush will be a perfect souvenir sort-of-thing :)

Have a wonderful day!

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