Off with her Head!!

Hi there!

It is challenge day at Aliciabel Challenge Blog. It is challenge #6 and the theme is Always Anything Goes but we have played with the theme Alice in Wonderland this week.

I made a tag using the Red Queen. I know she is evil, but for me she is the funnies character in this story. As a child, the most unbelievably part of the book was the one where they kept painting the roses =P.

Hope you like it 

In this tag: Aliciabel digital stamp. 

Corrugated card, playing cards, died roses and leaves, flat back pearls, eyelet and ribbon

Image coloured with Copic markers:

Skin; W1, W3, B000, B00

Hair: R20, R24, R29, R59

Dress: Y21, Y35, Y38, R29, R24, R22

Flamingo: RV21, RV23, RV25

Hedgehog: E40, E42, E44 

Extra shading added with Polychromo pencils



Creative Fingers #73 (2)

Craft Your Passion #255

Not Just Cards #16

Artistic Inspirations #128

Inspiration Destination #27

Crafting from the Heart #53

The Emerald Fairies: Spring Flowers/Easter (1)

Lil Patch of Crafty Friends #6 (2)

Card Mania Challenges #67: Flowers (2)

Noor! Design #5: Anything Goes (2)

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