La idea era hacer cuadraditos con combinaciones de diferentes de colores siguiendo el patrón de uno de los diseños del libro "Crochet Living" de Nicki Trench y decidir sobre la marcha el tamaño (en función de la lana que me quedara).
Al final es un poco más pequeña de lo que me hubiera gustado pero estoy muy contenta por haber sido capaz de terminarla y porque por fin tengo mi propia manta de ganchillo de cuadraditos de colores.
¿No os parece un clásico que no debería faltar en ninguna casa?
In autumn 2014 I started a granny squares crochet blanket and, although I was very happy about it, since then Ive had other priorities along the way and I wasnt able to finish it until this year.
The idea was to make squares with different colour combinations following the pattern of one of the designs from the book "Crochet Living" by Nicki Trench and decide the size on the go (according to the yarn I had left).
In the end the blanket is a little bit smaller than what I would have liked but I am very happy as Ive been able to finish it and because I finally have my own granny squares crochet colour blanket.
Dont you think it is a classic that should be on every home?