Today I"m here to show my card for the current challenge at Copic Spain, with the theme Anything Goes.
I hope you like it =)
For this card I used Sirenita Presumida from Aliciabel.
Colouring details and an easy tutorial on how to make the background can be found here.
Designed for:
Ching Chou Kuik: All Creatures Great and Small (1)
Copic Deuschland: Film/Series (1) (The Little Mermaid)
Noor Design UK #7: Here Comes Summer
Card Mania #69: Use Metal Embellishment
Brown Sugar #149: Anything Goes
The Ribbon Girl: Animals
The Corrosive Challenge: Pile it on (lots of chalenges)
Inspiration Destination #36
A Gem of a Challenge: Something Blue
Creative Fingers #82
Storie di timbri, carta, e...: Anything Goes (2)
Crafting from the Heart #63
Craft your Passion #265
Sisters of Crafts: June (2)
Crating by Design: June. Anything Goes (2)
Copic Marker Sverige: Card to a friend (1)
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