Como en otras ocasiones en las que he tenido que tejer para bebés recurrí a un patrón de Phildar (ya sabéis que sus catálogos me encantan) y escogí un jersey muy sencillito adornado con dos pequeños lazos.
Me llevó algo de tiempo hacerlo porque se teje cada pieza por separado pero aún así, mereció la pena hacerlo porque es una auténtica monada y sé que Nora lo va a disfrutar mucho.
Just before Christmas I finished a very special gift for Nora, a little baby girl named as my niece and whose daddy and mummy shared many adventures with me during my university years.
As in other occasions when I had to knit for babies I chose a pattern from Phildar (you already know that I love their catalogues) and I selected a very simple sweater embellished by two little bows.
It took me quite a while to make it because each piece is knitted separately but even so, making it was worth it as it is really cute and I know that Nora is going to enjoy it a lot.