In Vallarta with Polkadoodles!

Hahaha, well I dont know if Winnie is in Vallarta, but with this weather, the beach, and my nostalgia, It looks like is the beautiful Vallarta, Mexico.

When I used to live in Mexico, I really enjoyed each opportunity I had to be there. So when I saw this image, I immediately decide to change the star fish for flowers, maybe if I put it in my fridge, I will plan to be there soon. because the beaches in here are not as beautiful like the ones in my country.

To make this card I took a piece of card stock and with some Distress oxide in yellow and in green, I made the back ground, then I used a pre-coloured image from the Winnie Star fish collection and then I just put some flowers that I made with a punch. I finished them with some gems and thats all, I think is simple but really pretty.

Jajaja, bueno no se si Winnie esta en Vallarta, pero con este clima y la playa y mi nostalgia, a mi me parece que esta en el hermoso Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Cuanto vivia en Mexico, disfrute cada oportunidad que tenia de ir ahi. Asi que cuando vi esta imagen inmeditalamente pense en cambiar las estrellas de mar por unas flores, a lo mejor si pongo esta tarjeta en mi nevera, empiece a planear ir pronto, porque las playas aqui no son tan hermosas como lo son en mi pais.

Para hacer esta carta, tome una pieza de cartulina, le di color con dos tintas oxide, una amarilla y una verde, luego puse la imagen pre iluminada de la coleccion Winnie Star fish y la adorne con unas flores que hice con una perforadora. la termine poniendo unas piedritas y eso es todo, Me parece que esta simple pero linda.

Hope you enjoy it

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