Por ejemplo, ¿porque no hacéis unos divertidos labios de amigurumi con el patrón que ha creado Lanukas? Además podéis escribir algunas palabras sobre lo que más os gusta de esa persona tan especial. Y para los amantes de la escritura en Mr. Wonderful han diseñado un pequeño libro que os puede ser muy útil para explicar y plasmar vuestra historia mezclada con vuestras mejores técnicas de scrapbooking. Puede ser un regalo muy tierno.
Hi! This week I have started to think about Valentine"s Day and what I can do to celebrate it. Do you like celebrate Valentine"s Day? I have to own up that here in Catalonia the real day for lovers is not the 14th of February, but the 23th of April and it"s call "Saint George", I will explain you our tradition more ahead. As you already know I"m not a follower of going to buy something to give as a present for this day, I prefer to give my time making something special for my love person. If you think like me, here are some ideas to inspire yourselves.
For example, why don"t you make a funny lips of amigurumi"s with the pattern that Lanukas has created? You can also write some lines explaining what do you like the most about this special person. Or if you like writing Mr. Wonderful has designed a little book that can be useful to explain your own history mixted with a bit of scrapbooking techniques. It can be a lovely gift lovely.
Por otro lado, si no os sentís cómodas con la escritura, como me pasa a mi, siempre podéis cocinar algo delicioso que los sorprenda. ¿Qué os parecen unos cake pops o un delicioso risotto? Chocoas nos propone diferentes formas de presentar vuestros cake pops o desde A beautiful mess podéis seguir su suculenta receta para preparar un risotto rojo con corazones.
On the other hand, if you don"t feel comfortable writing, like me, you can always cook something delicious to surprise. What about some cake pops or a delicious risotto? Chocoas suggest us some presentations to make a handful cake pops and from A beautiful mess you can follow a very attractive recipe to cook a red risotto with hearts.
Par acabar, si os habéis decidido por crear algo vosotras mismas podéis utilizar freebies tan bonitos para envolver como el tetrabrick de leche de Funkytime o el set de 4 cajas para llenarlas con vuestros detallitos y chucherías de Design Eat Repeat.
Finally, if you have decided to make something by yourselves you can use some of these pretty freebies to wrap your gift, a milk box from Funkytime or a set of four boxes to full with your creations and some sweets from Design Eat Repeat.
¿Tenéis más sugerencias? Déjanos tus comentarios, estoy segura que no soy la única que ya esta pensando en ello ;)
Que tengáis una feliz semana.
Do you have other suggestions? Feel free to share with us in the comments, I"m sure I"m not the only one thinking about it ;)
Have a nice week.