Como ya os adelanté hace unas semanas el patrón que he utilizado es Hibiscus de Clare Devine y forma parte de la Tea Collection una recopilación de patrones de gorros y cuellos de lana cuyo nombre está inspirado en distintos tipos de té (Hibiscus, Earl Grey, Lapsang, Chai...), una idea muy original que a mí como buena amante del té me encanta.
Tejer el gorro ha sido muy entretenido pero además me ha permitido participar en un KAL virtual organizado por la propia Clare Devine llamado (Virtual) Tea Party y que incluye la posibilidad de ganar distintos premios entre las persona que participan (podéis encontrar más información en redes sociales con las etiquetas #knitsharelove y #teacollectionhats).
Seguro que ahora os han entrado ganas de una buena taza de té...
Finally the moment has arrived and I can show you the result of the hat Ive knitted with the wool I bought at Ginger Twist Studio in Edinburgh, just in time to add a touch of colour (and heat) to the really cold days we are having in the North lately.
As I alredy advanced you a couple of weeks ago the pattern Ive used is Hibiscus by Clare Devine and it is part of the Tea Collection a compilation of wool hats and cowls patterns which name is inspired in different types of tea (Hibiscus, Earl Grey, Lapsang, Chai...), a very original idea that I, as a true tea lover, like a lot.
Knitting the hat has been very amusing but it also allowed me to take part in a virtual KAL organised by Clare Devine herself called (Virtual) Tea Party and which includes the possibility of winning different prizes among the people taking part on it (you can find more information on social networks under the hashtags #knitsharelove and #teacollectionhats).
I am sure that now you are craving for a nice cup of tea...