Hello Friend

Hi there!
It is time for a new challenge at 613 Avenue Create. It is challenge #98 and our optional twist is to use the word Hello in our makes. This week I am showcasing an image from Flat Friends Boutique (many thanks for sponsoring us) and I found these chicks. I think they are very cute, and I have made this card thinking of a friend that just had a baby boy.
Hope you like it.

Come and join the fun!


Opend-Minded Crafting #23: Fowl of Any Kinds (1/3)

Papertake Weekly: 2 or 4 legs (3/5)

Crafting by Design: November

Creative Fingers #56 (3/3)

Brown Sugar #120: Anything Goes (2/2)

Artistic Inspirations #117: Anything goes

Inspiration Destination #7
Sweet Stampin: To Die For (1/2)

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