Handmade wood sewing box

Good morning!

After a hard, hard Monday and Tuesday (which week day it is not, after all…?? Big sigh………….) I´ve got a really, really very cute thing to show you!!

Do you remember some other posts about things Jaime made? He´s not very crafty, but when he´s in the mood, he really gets seriously to the task!! Here are some of his creations, just in case you don’t remember them…

A littleloft in the ceiling

Soap moulds

Wooden mayaknitting looms

Well, this time he´s really gone crazy… He´s made me a true-handmade wooden sewing box!! When he told me, just before Christmas, he intended to do this, as to recycle some leftover wooden sheets, I have to say that wasn´t very enthusiastic. I thought that, even if the idea was really appealing to him, he would undoubtedly get bored soon. And, in fact, he did. He hasn´t finished the box until just now. But he can be really stubborn when he wants. So, after a long time of hard work, here´s our work of art for me to show!!

I rest at your disposition in case you want to ask something about the how-to

Kisses! Have a nice week!!

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