Diamond-Shaped Granny Square

Hello everyone! Even though I haven’t updated this blog, I have been working on new projects. I always wanted to do something with small squares and this is what I came up with:

I have the Spanish tutorial available in my YouTube channel here and the written pattern here.

Feel free to leave a comment, follow me on my social networks and subscribe to my channel.

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Y estas son sus últimas ideas publicadas:

This project was made right before St. Valentine’s Day. For us that like granny squares, we know there are many possibilities with them. The Spanish tutorial es available in my channel and I am ...

Hola a todos! hace mucho que no escribía y es que he tenido ciertas dolencias que sospecho se trata del túnel carpiano (entumecimiento en mano y brazo) debido a los movimientos repetitivos, uso del ra ...

Esta bolsa es un diseño de Maria Luna.  Se puede hacer con anillas de un solo agujero como las de Monster, Budweiser, Redbull, etc.  Los invito a checar la página de Maria Luna en Facebook donde nos m ...
