Crochet plant-pots for the office

Good morning!

Just a quick post to show you some little thing I made a couple of weeks ago…

The girls of the office and me, we´ve got some plants in water pots. Well, the water pots are really cut plastic bottles… little shabby sight, to be sincere… so, to give them a new look, I crocheted these plant pots…

The pattern is so easy, here it is just in case you´d like to give it a try.

Base: no slip-stitching after each round, just like with amigurumis.

Body: slip-stitch after finishing each round.

1st round: magic ring of 6 single crochets (6)

2nd round. Make two single crochet stitches in each stitch of the previous round (12)

3rd round. We start making two single stitches in the first stitch of the previous round, then only one in the next. Continue until the end of the round. 2-1-2-1... (18)

4th round. We start making two single stitches in the first stitch of the previous round, then only one in the next two. Continue until the end of the round. 2-1-1-2-1-1... (24)

5th round. 2-1-1-1-2-1-1-1... until the end of the round (30)

6th round: one stitch in every stitch of the previous round, but crocheting only the outer thread of each stitch.

7th to last round: one stitch in every stitch of the previous round.

And here´s the result… do you like it?

Kisses and see you soon!!

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