Así que el arreglo fue sencillo, usé lazo y tira bordada azul que había en casa de un antiguo traje de flamenca y no tuve más ir dando puntadas. Lo más complicado fue la flor, ya que no sabía muy bien cómo darle forma a los pliegues, pero creo que más o menos lo conseguí.
Y éste es el resultado, esperando al próximo mes de Julio 2019 para sacarla de paseo. Y a vosotros qué os parece, ¿soléis usar cestas para la playa o como bolsos de verano?
Saludos, ¡y a seguir creando!
Although autumn was near, I decided to renew this beach basket for the following summer (before nice weather is back in less than a year and it continued without being customized). It was plain, it just had a White rafia flower where now there is a blue one.
So this custom was easy. I employed some ribbon and embroidered lace in blue that I kept at home after removing it from an old flamenco dress, so I only had to give some stitches to it. The most difficult part was the flowe, as I didn’t know how to give form to the folds, but I think I did it, more or less.
And this is the result, looking forward to take it for a walk next July 2019. What do you think about it, are you used to wear baskets for the beach or as summer handbags?
Bye by now, and never stop crafting!