Bunny Bear Plush | PDF Pattern and Tutorials

Kawaii Felt Bunny Bear Plush

Hello, everyone!

I am back again with another felt bunny and/or bear plush. Yes, I write it correctly: bunny and/or bear. Why? Because my newest felt plush here is actually a bear which is wearing a bunny suit. Thus, he looks like a bunny! This bear is ready to rock your Easter party. He even goes shopping for Easter eggs.

I bought the small shopping cart in the dollar store for 2.5 euros. I think this tiny cart is just adorable. I use it to store my small stationary. Additionally, I stumbled upon a store that sells stuff for any stores, like gift bags, ribbons, manikins, price tags, labels, etc. and I saw the small eggs. Of course I decided to buy the eggs. It cost me 2 euros and I now have cute Easter decorations.
Kawaii Felt Bunny Bear Plush

Anyway, this bunny bear plush is now available in my Etsy shop. As usual, I have prepared the PDF pattern and step-by-step real photos tutorials for this one.
Kawaii Felt Bunny Bear Plush

Grab my felt pattern and make this adorable Kawaii bunny bear for Easter. I guarantee you will love having your own bunny bear :)

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