It is time for another challenge at 613 Avenue Create. It is challenge #100!! And the optional twist is to create a calendar. Because of the date, my first thought went to an Advent Calendar.
This is not a tradition in this area of Spain, but it was a tradition for my hubby. So, last year, we spoke about making one, and at the end teamed up to improvise one in a few hours on November 30th, after the kids went to bed.
No need to say that my sweet little boy (who is five now) loved it, and this year in august he was already asking when could he have it again. My little flower (who is two) doesn"t remember last year, and since I started putting it up, doesn"t stop asking if she can have one. Only one? she says =) (poor little thing <3<3<3)
Anyway, today I"m showcasing Christmas Papers from Fred She Said, and for decoration I also used a poinsettia done with their digi which I had from a previous challenge. Thank you!!
All the little packets are stitched together. All the decorations except the choco Santas are handmade. =)
Hope you like it!
Come and join the fun!
Two Creative Chicks #20: Any Sewing
Brown Sugar #122: Anything Goes (2/2)
Not Just Cards #7: Anything Goes
Creative Fingers #58: Anything Goes (2/3)
Inspiration Destination #9
Scrapping 4 Fun: Anything Goes
That Craft Place: Anything Goes (2/3)
Crafty Catz: Anything Goes (2/3)
Come and Get It: Snow People
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