Terminar de tejer mi jersey "Garland"
Hacer un cuello de lana con los ovillos que compré en Berlín
Tejer el patrón "Sunday Sweater" de PetiteKnit
Seguir viajando y descubriendo tiendas de lana bonitas
Reducir mi "stash"Creo que son unos objetivos bastante realistas así que espero poder cumplirlos todos fácilmente.
¡Os deseo un Feliz Año Nuevo lleno de ilusiones y creatividad!
Usually the last day of the year I use to remind the things I have done along the year but I have realised that it is more interesting to think in the projects that are to come, so I have made a small list of resolutions with the things that I would like to make next year:
To finish knitting my "Garland" sweater
To make a wool cowl with the yarn I bought in Berlin
To knit the "Sunday Sweater" pattern by PetiteKnit
To continue traveling and discovering pretty yarn shops
To reduce my stashI think these goals are quite realistic so I hope to achieve all of them easily.
I wish you a Happy New Year full of thrill and creativity!