Watercolor Floral Wreath

Watercolor flower wreath

Hello spring!

Spring is finally here, although it has already been here since we dont really have winter here in Málaga. The weather is just so good all year. Im glad I dont have pollen allergy, but Antonio does. He doesnt stop sneezing, yet he refuses to see the doctor. He can be stubborn sometimes.

Anyway, I am obsessed with watercolor wreath recently and have been finding some inspirations in Pinterest and watching tutorials in YouTube. Today is a perfect day to give it a try, so I decided to make this watercolor flower wreath.

I use my Winsor & Newston "Cotman Water Colours". I bought it last year. Its super economical and it is perfect for a beginner like me. This water color has 12 different colors (sadly, it doesnt have black, so I have to use my Jovi water colors). It comes with a small brush, which is great to make some details.

What do you think of my first watercolor wreath? I know I have to keep practicing to perfect my techniques, but I am quite happy with it.

Enjoy spring time and hope you are well if you have pollen allergy!

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Etiquetas: Painting
